Private Status Page

Private status pages are the killer app for corporate IT departments. Effective internal incident communication during outages reduces cost and lost productivity.
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Powering Industry Leaders Since 2013

A Private Status Page for Your Employees

A private statuspage is the go-to for large enterprises looking for an internal source-of-truth regarding critical services!

Dedicated internal status pages aim to minimize productivity loss. Reducing frustration among employees when services they rely on go down helps to eliminate a flood of support tickets. This saves your IT and support teams from having to run around putting out fires, and instead focus on resolving incidents.

Secure How You Authenticate

Access to your private status page is managed via authentication, either using our built in login accounts, single-sign on (SSO), or integration with Google Login!

End User Incident Reporting

End User Incident Reporting bridges the gap between your employees and IT team!

This one-click reporting mechanism, integrated directly into your private status page, creates a two way street that accelerates incident response. These reports make your employees' lives easier, saving them from having to waste time contacting IT, and also save your technicians time by automatically drafting incidents made ready to publish.

Check Out These Status Page Examples

Discover how industry leaders answer "Are You Down?" with a cutting edge status page. This blog covers 14 of our favorite Status Page Examples; from extensive design and branding, to custom status page views that display tailored information to specific audiences, this blog provides the perfect inspiration to anyone looking to build a status page to meet their needs.
Read Our Blog

Third-Party Private Status Page Integration

Collate third-party private status page services into a centralized location, offering your employees a comprehensive master view of all relevant service statuses!

By providing a robust single source of truth, you mitigate wasted time and uncertainty during service outages, eliminating the need for employees to monitor multiple scattered status pages. Integrate specific components and services from numerous third-party providers through StatusCast's powerful integration capabilities.
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