Status Page Customization

Leave the one-size-fits-all status page design behind. StatusCast is ahead of the pack with unmatched status page customization. Maintain brand consistency for your end-users with our intuitive and fully customizable status page builder.
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Powering Industry Leaders Since 2013

Drag and Drop Page Builder

Each Status Page is built by simply combining what you consider to be the most appropriate widgets for the page. You control what content is displayed, and the layout of each component on your custom status page. There’s no better combination of flexibility and ease-of-use.

Premade Status Page Templates and Styling

Out of the box status page templates that easily adapted to meet your brand guidelines so your customers know the content is official and reliable. Apply any of StatusCast’s premade status page themes to your page to bolster the design appeal and quickly add your organization’s branding for identification. Add additional custom CSS to make your custom pages look and feel as if it is a true extension of your website or app.

Choose from premade themes
Add additional custom CSS
Add branding styles

Customizable Email Templates

Often, the optimal status page experience is one that doesn't ever involve users even visiting your status page in the first place. Automated email notifications to affected users when incidents occur are the key to effective incident communication. Leverage our fully customizable email templates to convey critical information, craft aesthetically pleasing emails, and build trust through your brand image while users are dealing with service outages.

Customized URLs

StatusCast creates a domain for your status page out of the box, but you can easily add a HTTPS custom one ( and disable the default.

Simply point our status page to your own custom domain name using CNAME DNS entries.

Built for All Devices

The chances of website visitors using mobile devices are pretty high these days, and it’s critical to understand how your status page appears on devices of different sizes.

StatusCast relies on responsive web design techniques to ensure that content being viewed on computer monitors, tablets, and smartphones all look slick and function the same.

The StatusCast Free Trial

Free for 14 days - No credit card required
Fully Functional – See the full product feature set, not a ‘lite’ version
Safe and Secure  – SOC II compliant cloud infrastructure
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