Best Practices For Managing Downtime

Discover powerful strategies for managing downtime and effective communication to significantly reduce the cost of incidents.

Our whitepaper outlines high-impact decisions and processes that will equip your business to thrive during IT outages.
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Powering Industry Leaders Since 2013

Manage Downtime Like The Pros

Application Status Page

The Application Status Page is pivotal in managing downtime communication. It serves as a centralized hub for both real-time and historical data on application performance. The status page reduces the burden on support teams during outages, and delivers transparency that builds trust with end-users. Save your users from the chaos and uncertainty of downtime with a unified platform showing the real-time status of your applications.

Automate As Much As Possible

Embracing automation in your incident management process significantly reduces the burden on your IT team, enhancing the efficiency and speed of your response. By integrating alerts from IT operations into automated communication workflows, businesses can ensure consistent and timely messaging across multiple channels. This automation enables a proactive approach to managing downtime rapidly and effectively.

Dealing With Scheduled Maintenance

Effective communication of scheduled maintenance is as crucial as handling unexpected outages. It involves not only timely notifications to users but also adherence to SLA requirements and risk assessments. By providing advance notices, regular reminders, and clear expectations about potential downtime, businesses can manage user experience proactively, minimizing disruptions and maintaining service credibility.

Best-In-Class ITSM

Private Status Page

Empower your employees or SaaS customers with a private, internal status page to communicate incidents in real-time. Status pages keep your employees in the loop when systems go down. Providing updates across various notification channels about disruptions allow employees to re-organize their work and stay productive while IT works toward incident resolution.
Private Status Page

Incident Management

Our productivity-centric Incident Management software helps your IT team effectively organize incident workflows, automate tasks, collaborate, and escalate issues in the most efficient way possible in order to restore services as fast as possible.

Codeless Integrations

StatusCast Beacons are codeless integrations that intelligently automate your incident response process. Beacons handle seamless integration with third-party services, subscriber notifications, automated incident creation and smart escalation policies. Beacons are created with codeless logic via our Visual Rule Builder, which enable advanced automation that triggers based on pre-defined rulesets. Designed to alleviate the burden on IT during outages, Beacons ensure rapid, accurate responses to IT incidents, transforming complex, time-consuming tasks into streamlined, efficient workflows.
Codeless Integrations

Webinar: Advanced Automation With Beacons

Explore how StatusCast Beacons streamline IT incident management, offering a unified platform with comprehensive automation for proactive incident response. Beacons enable intelligent automation that empowers IT teams with efficient workflows and multi-channel notifications, ensuring rapid incident resolution and reduced technical complexities. Experience firsthand the transformative power of StatusCast Beacons in enhancing your ITSM process.
View Webinar

AI-Powered Smart Incident Messaging

Unlock the potential of AI through StatusCast's Smart Incident Messaging, designed to optimize incident communication for IT teams. Our advanced AI assistant creates precise and timely incident notifications, enabling your IT professionals to focus on addressing issues promptly.

By analyzing and emulating the tone of past updates, Smart Incident Messaging ensures consistent and polished communication for all incident reports. Embrace the power of AI to elevate your incident management process.

Best Practices For Managing Application Downtime

A white paper that examines how IT departments can best handle application downtime. This paper focuses on building processes and checklists for communicating with end users, customers, and partners where systems become unavailable.

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